
Showing posts from May, 2023

Benedict’s Test for Reducing sugars - Principle, Composition

we'll discuss an important biochemical test in the detection of sugars in the urine which is Benedict's reagent test the aim is to detect the presence of sugars in a given sample of urine using the Benedict's reagent the materials required will be a Benedict's solution which serves as a reagent in this test the reagent is a blend of copper sodium citrate and sodium carbonate along with copper to sulfate pentahydrate other test materials required would be a test tube a test tube holder a pipette you're an example and a burner now let's get on to the procedure of the Benedict's test using a pipette accurately take 5 ml of Benedict's reagent and slowly transfer it to the test tube [Music] [Music] take 5 ml of freshly collected urine by pit-pat and then added to the test tube with Benedict's reagent [Music] the test-tube should be held securely with the test tube holder to heat it on the burner for 2 minutes now start observing the changes on heating the...

Gram Staining

   Gram Staining            Y ou will learn how to perform gram staining this technique utilizes a four step standing procedure with two different dyes and is one of the first tests used when trying to identify unknown species of bacteria using a wax pencil label a microscope slide with your initials then draw a circle about one centimeter in diameter on the slide using a metal inoculation loop sterilize it by flaming using aseptic technique at a drop of sterile water so that a film appears across the loop transfer the water into the circle drawn by the wax pencil flame the metal loop again to sterilize after allowing it to cool use the metal lube to transfer a colony of bacteria growing on an auger plate make sure to lightly touch the bacterial colony to avoid transferring too many bacteria when finished flame the loop to sterilize you let the liquid completely evaporate leaving behind a dry spot on the slide this will take at least 10 minutes on...