Benedict’s Test for Reducing sugars - Principle, Composition

we'll discuss an important biochemical test in the detection of sugars in the urine which is Benedict's reagent test the aim is to detect the presence of sugars in a given sample of urine using the Benedict's reagent the materials required will be a Benedict's solution which serves as a reagent in this test the reagent is a blend of copper sodium citrate and sodium carbonate along with copper to sulfate pentahydrate other test materials required would be a test tube a test tube holder a pipette you're an example and a burner now let's get on to the procedure of the Benedict's test using a pipette accurately take 5 ml of Benedict's reagent and slowly transfer it to the test tube [Music] [Music] take 5 ml of freshly collected urine by pit-pat and then added to the test tube with Benedict's reagent [Music] the test-tube should be held securely with the test tube holder to heat it on the burner for 2 minutes now start observing the changes on heating the...